autopsje – propozycja rozwiązań w Wielkiej Brytanii
Poniżej przekazuję prośbę Dr J. Firth o komentarze dotyczące wprowadzania badań radiologicznych jako badania autopsyjnego w przypadkach innych niż w zakresie medycyny sądowej w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Jednocześnie proszę o informację, czy istnieje w Polsce potrzeba wprowadzenia podobnych rozwiązań.
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Dear all
The Royal Colleges of Radiologist and Royal College of Pathologists are seeking comments on the draft Guidelines for post-mortem cross-sectional imaging of adults in non-forensic deaths. This is a joint document between the RCR and the Royal College of Pathologists, and will replace the RCR/RCPath statement on standards for medico-legal post-mortem cross-sectional imaging in adults published in October 2012.
As a UK Pathologist I think the draft should have a wider view and see no conditions preventing non UK comments. So if you wish to make any comments on the draft guidance, please complete the comments form and send by email to the Clinical Radiology Executive Officer by Monday 30 September.
Dr John Firth MBChB FRCPath
Consultant Histopathologist
As Deputy to the Head of UK Delegation to UEMS
And RCPath Representative to the UEMS Patholology Board
Department of Cellular Pathology
Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Pond Street NW3 2QG