warsztaty o czerniaku w Warszawie

Szanowne Koleżanki i Szanowni Koledzy,

Zapraszamy na Melanoma Pathology Working Group Meeting for European Dermatopathologists and Pathologists organizowanego przez EORTC przy współpracy z Oddziałem Warszawskim PTP.


Moderatorzy warsztatów:

Martin Cook, M.D. Daniela Massi, M.D.
CRUK Institute, Manchester Department of Pathology
Royal Surrey County Hospital University of Florence
Guilford, UK Florence, Italy

Data i miejsce:

5 października 2017

Centrum Onkologii – Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie

Centrum Edukacyjno-Konferencyjne im. Prof. Tadeusza Koszarowskiego

wejście G przy ul. Wilhelma Konrada Roentgena 5; 02-781 Warszawa

Udział w warsztatach jest BEZPŁATNY dla Członków PTP!!!

Prosimy o rejestrację zgodnie z informacjami zamieszczonymi w poniższym zaproszeniu:

Melanoma Pathology Working Group Meeting

for European Dermatopathologists and Pathologists

 Warsaw, Poland

October 5th, 2017 

Local Host: Prof. Dr. Monika Prochorec-Sobieszek

 Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial
Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology


Course Moderators:


Martin Cook, M.D. Daniela Massi, M.D.
CRUK Institute, Manchester Department of Pathology
Royal Surrey County Hospital University of Florence
Guilford, UK Florence, Italy


Course Location:

Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology,

Educational and Conference Center, Entrance G, 5 Roentgena Str., 02-781 Warsaw, Poland


No Fee to Attend.

European CME credits by the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) will be requested.

If you wish to attend, please register (before September 2th 2017) through our website: www.melanomagroup.eu

In case of questions, please e-mail to: radoslaw.nazar@viamedica.pl


Scientific Programme

Teaching Course

Pathology of challenging melanocytic proliferations from consultations files

 The diagnosis and classification of melanoma and ambiguous melanocytic proliferations is notoriously difficult even to the experienced pathologist. This is largely due to the wide morphological spectrum of these neoplasms often showing only subtle differentiating features. This practical course aims to provide an overview of the important aspects of melanoma pathology with emphasis on recently published findings and molecular genetics developments. There will be a particular focus on diagnostic pitfalls, morphological clues to the correct diagnosis, appropriate use and interpretation of immunohistochemistry and clinical relevance. This course is suitable for a wide audience and may be particularly beneficial to dermatopathologists in practice.

The course will be presented in a case-based format. Pre-registrants will be able to view virtual slides prior to the meeting.


10.00-10.15 Case 1 Willeke Blokx

10.15-10.30 Case 2 Willeke Blokx

10.30-10.45 Case 3 Anna Szumera-Ciećkiewicz

10.45-11.00 Case 4 Daniela Mihic-Probst

11.00-11.15 Case 5 Anna Nasierowska-Guttmejer

11.15-11.30 Case 6 Joost van den Oord

11.30-11.45 Case 7 Joanna Czuwara

11.45-12.00 Case 8 Senada Koljenovic

12.00-12.15 Case 9 Martin Cook

12.15-12.30 Case 10 Martin Cook


12.30-13.00 Discussion


 Wille Blokx, Njimegen, The Netherlands

Martin Cook, Guildford & Manchester, UK

Joanna Czuwara, Warsaw, Poland

Senada Koljenovic, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Daniela Massi, Florence, Italy

Daniela Mihic-Probst, Zurich, Switzerland

Anna Nasierowska-Guttmejer, Warsaw, Poland

Anna Szumera-Ciećkiewicz, Warsaw, Poland

Joost van den Oord, Leuven, Belgium


 Welcome Message from the EORTC Melanoma Pathology Group

The EORTC Melanoma Pathology Group has the primary goal of promoting collaborative and interdisciplinary activities, research and education in the field of melanoma pathology. In addition, the role of pathologists inside the EORTC Melanoma Group is to support clinical trials and their research aspects by offering quality control as well as to collaborate  to scientific projects that have relevance to the overall understanding of melanocyte pathobiology.

The Group represents a friendly and informal environment, favouring communication and an unrestrained exchange of scientific information beyond state boundaries.

Starting from 2015, it has been agreed that in association with the annual EORTC Melanoma Group meetings http://www.melanomagroup.eu/site/ there will be a special session with teaching courses for pathologists focused on different topics ranging from problematic diagnostic areas in melanoma to molecular characterization and novel tissue biomarkers discovery in the era of the novel melanoma therapies.

It is critical that we all participate actively in these activities to develop a system that is beneficial to our patients and applicable to our practicing physicians, enhanced by our experience and direction.

Prof. Martin Cook                                                 Prof. Daniela Massi



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